- Get started!
- End Goal – weight or waist size or body image?
- Kitchen first, gym second!
- Win-Win-Win by balancing nutrition, exercise and rest!
- Listen to your body – don’t over fuel it or over work it!
- Learn what others are doing and share what works for you – synergize!
- Learn as much about nutrition and fitness as you are interested in!

Consider finding a workout buddy – someone who you can count on to help push you forward when you don’t feel like it and vice versa. The research says that people will usually push themselves harder when they are working with another person. I did a body building competition with my son a few years back when I turned 55 and he turned 22. He was certainly a huge inspiration for me and without realizing it pushed me to work harder than I ever imagined possible and I am proud of the accomplishment.
You are never to old to learn and of course, to teach. Again, I had to take direction from my son to get in the best shape I ever experienced in my life. I adopted the attitude that when the student is ready to learn the teacher will appear – so be ready if that is your goal!
To connect with me personally, visit the contact page at SexHealthDoc.com.