that we are almost three months into the New Year – what have you done to
improve or strengthen your most important intimate relationship? Or consider – what is your personal growth
plan for your most important intimate relationship?
too many times people want to know what happened to their relationship – I
often hear “I feel like I am living with my room mate” or that “the spark is no longer there.” Part of the problem is that many people do
not think of making conscious investments in their relationships. They think that it should be spontaneous and
requires nothing more than just showing
up! I remind them to reflect on
where else in your life you need to just show up and things improve. Try just
showing up at the gym or in your yard or when it comes to maintenance on
your home or with your health. Nothing
improves by just showing up without
putting forth any effort.
death-bed literature claims that when you ask people where they wished they
would have put forth more effort – it is always the relationship. So as the
advertisers tout – don’t delay, act today and reap the benefits of a well-nurtured
Here are a few quick tips:
- Practice a random acts of kindness throughout the week with each other!
- Go out on a date with each – take turns as to who plans!
- Tell your partner something s/he does not know about you!
- Take time to kiss and mean it!
OK – now it’s up to you to take action and start enjoying the best year ever with your partner – make it fun, pleasurable and intimate!