Monday, April 28, 2014

My Lemon Peeler Vision

As a kid I was shy, quiet and reserved [not much has changedJ] and kept pretty much to myself.  In the summer I would tag along with my Dad when he went to cash his paycheck.  On the drive to the bank we would always pass by a familiar bike shop.  To a kid that was like the new car dealer where you could not wait to go in to see and smell all the new merchandise.  Every now and then my dad would visit the service department, which gave me the opportunity to happily kill time in the showroom.  During one particular summer, the Schwinn Bicycle Company had introduced a brand new line of bikes, known as stingrays.  I will never forget the moment I first laid eyes on those magnificent machines: Lemon Peeler, Orange Krate, Apple Krate, Pea Picker.  I was in kid heaven until I saw the price tag, then reality took a bite out of any joy I had.  The price of that bike was over $100, an insurmountable amount of money to a 12 year old kid who was not the best at saving money.

Once I saw those bikes I could not stop thinking about them.  The reality was that my parents were in no position to afford one mainly because there were three other children and all of the financial responsibilities in raising a family.  I let it be known to my few friends and neighbors that I really wanted that bike and thought nothing more of just communicating my dream to own it.  Of course, hope against hope I wished my parents would get me that bike for my birthday or Christmas but that was not to be.

Yet, I was not willing to give up My Vision of getting that bike.  So I decided to reach out to someone I thought could help me.  .  I had learned from my parents that an old neighbor who moved away had taken a job with the manufacturer of the front brake drum that supplied the Schwinn Company.  I wrote him a letter asking him if he could help me.  The following summer my dad received a letter instructing him to take me to the bike shop to pick out a brand new Schwinn Lemon Peeler and that it was paid in full.

It was only until recently that I gained insight into how important that event was in my life and not just the fact that I got a bike for free.  The big lesson for me was that when you have a vision or a dream and do not necessarily have the means to accomplish it, just letting others know about it can help you obtain the dream with their help.  However, if no one knows about your dream or your vision except you – then it is really difficult, if not downright impossible, for it to happen. 

My challenge to you is to take the time to write your vision or visions down and then share, share, share…you might just be surprised at how the universe responds once you let your intentions be known.

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