Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Cure Sexual Addiction

For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root.” 

Henry David Thoreau

When it comes to sexual addiction there has never been any conclusive evidence that any of the sexual addiction therapy modalities actually bring about the lasting cure that many are seeking.  In other words, many have been hacking at the leaves but far too few are striking at the root.

What if addition therapists were able to help their clients strike at the root by facilitating a paradigm shift?  Stephen Covey wrote in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that if you want to change your attitudes and behaviors, Thoreau’s leaves as it were, then you need to change the paradigms that drive them.  Paradigm defined simply means the way you look at something and/or your way of thinking about it. 

First, it is important to understand the paradigm that drives these sexual obsessive-compulsive behaviors and attitudes.  Zilbergeld wrote in The New Male Sexuality that many boys are initiated into their sexuality around three enduring tenets that of secrecy, privacy and impersonal objectification.  In addition, their personal experiences are usually not only enjoyable, but more pleasurable and satisfying than with their partner.

As an aside, many people wonder ‘why’ this phenomenon is so prevalent and ‘why’ it has become such a problem.  One answer to consider is technology.  Whether we like it or want to admit it – the fact is we are living in a technological epoch.  Computers, smartphones, texting, instant messaging, emails, etc. have created an environment that reduces the need for face-to-face interactions.  As a result, it would seem to suggest that our use of technology has not really brought people closer together physically but electronically.

Adding technology to the mix further complicates and entrenches your way of thinking about and seeing your sexuality making it extremely difficult to change.  However, this information helps tease out your sexual worldview that could provide a cure for those struggling with sexual impulsivity and the accompanying attitudes that go with it.  Perhaps one paradigm shift that would bring about the desired change that many are seeking is to view your sexuality that is personal, i.e. connected, shared and visible in ways that are equally or more pleasurable, fun and intimate. 

The challenge for many people is bringing about a shift in their thinking that is not forced or coerced but desired, wanted and sought after.  If this blog speaks to you and your struggles with pornography and you would like to explore ways to shift your paradigm, visit my "Contact Page" to send me a private email or call me at: 248-906-8301.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Cheat Sheet

6 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong!

Everyone seems to have too much to do with not enough time to work on the relationship.  Here’s quick cheat sheet to keep your relationship healthy and strong all year long.

  1. Communication - Learn to speak your partners love language - e.g. Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Gifts or Touch - fill her/his emotional love tank.
  2. Respect - Get in the habit of learning to seek first to understand and then be understood - do not interrupt or minimize/dismiss the feelings of your partner.
  3. Quality Time - Take time when kissing your partner - do not rush through it but become mindful and enjoy the experience; Touch - become intentional, hold hands, rub each others shoulders, feet, etc.
  4. Appreciation - Consider hand writing your partner a thank you note for something special that was done to or for you.
  5. Make No Comparisons - Seek opportunities to genuinely compliment your partner on at least a weekly basis.
  6. Pick Your Battles Wisely - Always strive for Win/Win or no deal, this is not a competition.
Maybe you noticed that I borrowed from Gary Chapman’sThe Five Love Languages and Stephen Covey’s – 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to suggest fast and easy ways to keep your relationship happy and healthy.  Start today and experience the difference, after all according to the research your relationship is the absolute most important thing in your life.